If you are a small business owner you know that little things can go wrong that spell big trouble! Larger businesses have more resources to handle unexpected problems, but a small business needs to have a very precise and timely action plan in place to keep today’s glitch from becoming tomorrow’s disaster!
Now that the global marketplace is so reliant on technology, small businesses have had no choice but to join in. Once upon a time a phone and maybe a fax machine (remember those?) would suffice, but now you have come to rely on a computer, printer, router and more to manage your business’s daily affairs, in fact you would be hard pressed to do without them! Considering all of this, there is one more piece of gear that is essential to your success, and that is an Eaton UPS that can keep all of your essential equipment running when the lights go off! UPS stands for Universal Power Supply, and with the heatwaves and sudden storms the world is seeing happen increasingly often and with greater ferocity, power outages and rolling blackouts are bound to come along with them, so you need to be prepared!
When things go dark the UPS system kicks in to keep your mission-critical technology up and running so you don’t have to face any expensive downtime! These days when your gear isn’t working, you aren’t working, and your small business loses money, something it can ill afford to do! The following are some really good reasons why you should have a UPS system protecting your precious operations today!
Protect Your Equipment
Some types of common power disturbances like surges and voltage spikes have a negative effect on the lifespan of your equipment, and can even cause premature failures to happen. Your UPS unit provides a barrier against those dangerous power events, protecting your expensive equipment from harm and extending its lifespan. With a UPS system, you won’t need to fear for your electronic devices, and you will greatly reduce the possibility of having to make costly repairs or buy replacements.
Prevent Data Loss
A UPS system provides battery power backup during power outages, so you will have plenty of time to save any work in progress and shut down any currently unneeded devices safely. This prevents power surge or loss data corruption from taking place, so your important files and documents won’t be corrupted.
Defend Your Retail Operations
Your POS, or Point-of-Sale Systems are critical if you are operating a restaurant or a small retail shop. If a power outage happens and you aren’t defended against it you will lose sales, have unhappy customers, and possibly face even greater financial losses. UPS units are designed to keep POS systems up and running during power disruption events, ensuring everyone can pay their bills, and that your business continues to run smoothly.
The Australian Government has issued standards for portable UPS systems that you should be aware of. Don’t allow your small business to be left in the dark, be sure it’s protected by a UPS system so you can keep working even when the lights go out!