February 13, 2025
Box plot

The box plot maker is a simple way to represent the statistical data. You can describe the ascending and descending order in the box plot. The other thing you need to assess is the range of the data. The online free box plot calculator makes it possible to arrange datasets in the form of a box. The calculator online has provided various statistical tools to be in a position to analyze your business.

In the box plot, all the dataset is arranged in a way that you can easily understand the order of the data. What is the most repeating value or the mode of the data, this is essential when you are dealing with a large population. 

The other thing is the mean and median of the data. The box plot utilization is vital when you are dealing with a large population of the dataset. It can be quite difficult to arrange the whole dataset and other things it would be time-consuming to arrange the dataset. The box and whisker plot maker make it possible to arrange data in a form box.

How to Make a Box Plot?

Consider a dataset 55, 62, 35, 32, 50, 57, 54, you require to arrange data values in ascending order. The other thing required is the maximum and the minimum values of the data. For your detailed assessment of the data, it is quite necessary to identify the first and the third quartile of dataset value. Box plot generators make it possible to find all the requirements, in a matter of seconds. We can rearrange all dataset values. You may consume a lot of time and effort to arrange the data when dealing with a large population.

What you are able to find by the box and whisker plot calculator.

  • Ascending and descending order
  • Maximum and minimum values
  • First quartile 
  • Third quartile
  • The median of data.


Our dataset values  = 55, 62, 35, 32, 50, 57, 54

Our online calculator makes it possible to arrange all the statistical data in the form of a table. You can see the Ascending and Descending Order, Maximum and Minimum Numbers. The Third and the First Quartile of the dataset values. Last but not least is the median values of the dataset.


Ascending Order:32, 35, 50, 54, 55, 57, 62
Descending Order:62, 57, 55, 54, 50, 35, 32
Maximum Number:62
Minimum Number:32
Third Quartile:57.0
First Quartile:35.0

What is the Result of the Box Plot?

When using the box plot calculator, we are able to find the various results of the test values. Here describing one by one in the bullets:

  • The ascending order of the dataset is 32, 35, 50, 54, 55, 57, and 62. These numbers are arranged in ascending order.
  • The descending order of dataset 62, 57, 55, 54, 50, 35, 32 The numbers are arranged in descending order.
  • The maximum value of the statistical data, in this case, is 62, you can say our maxima here is 62.
  • The minimum value of the statistical data, in this case, is 32, you can say our minimum here is 62.
  •  The first quartile median is  35, it is the mid-range of the first three numbers of the dataset values.
  • The third quartile median is 57, it is the mid-range of the first three numbers of the dataset values.
  • The median of the whole dataset values is 55, as it is a set of populations with odd numbers.

The Benefit of using the Box Plot:

There are multiple benefits of using a box plot and the online box plot calculator.

  • You can assess all the parameters of dataset values like ascending, and descending order of population. The range of the dataset values, and quartile of the population.
  • You can find what is the median of the whole population of the dataset, and it can be quite a useful way to elaborate the whole population of data.
  • The usage of the online box plot calculator is simple as you only have to put the population of data in the assigned fields.


The box plot is a simple way to make dataset values elaborative. It can be quite a time-consuming effort to know the ascending and descending order of dataset values. The box plot makes all the dataset values simple and readable for us.

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